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By 克里斯•蔡尔兹, 存 Managing Director and Head of 存储库 and Derivatives 服务. | April 20, 2020

直到现在, 二十国集团(G20)于2009年制定的场外衍生品交易全球报告框架未能发挥其潜力,部分原因是缺乏全球统一的数据标准. 但世界各地的主要监管机构正在动员起来,制定经过行业审查的数据标准, 其中之一的美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)采取了第一个具体步骤. 这一活动使该行业走上了实现G20目标的道路:建立一个报告系统,使各司法管辖区的监管机构能够发现和减轻衍生品交易产生的系统性风险. Periods of unusual market stress, like we are experiencing now, 证明继续倡导更大数据一致性的重要性,以便负责保护金融市场的人员能够轻松访问和评估信息.

In a proposed rule issued February 20, 2020, CFTC制定了一项计划,要求其职权范围内的报告方在提交场外衍生品交易信息时使用行业推荐的关键数据元素(CDE). CDE提案由国际证券委员会组织(IOSCO)的关键场外衍生品数据要素协调工作组(协调小组)与国际清算银行(BIS)的支付和市场基础设施委员会(CPMI)合作制定。.

By proposing the adoption and implementation of CDE, the CFTC is helping further global uptake of this approach. We expect Canadian financial regulators to adopt CDE for reporting as well. 使用CDE进行记录保存和报告也与促进规则制定中的数据统一的努力相一致, an objective of the CFTC as well as the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 欧洲证券和市场管理局(ESMA)在其2020年年度工作计划中表示,将考虑实施CPMI-IOSCO制定的场外衍生品数据要素协调规定.

Where We Are: Vision vs. 现实

参加2009年匹兹堡G20峰会的领导人认识到有必要改革全球衍生品市场,以减轻系统性风险,防范金融危机重演. 在回应, 他们设计了一份市场改革蓝图,其中包括向交易存储机构报告场外衍生品合约,以提高监管机构的市场透明度. Shortly thereafter, 金融稳定委员会(FSB)承诺与CPMI和IOSCO合作,为场外衍生品交易存储库制定国际建议.

Over the past decade the industry has implemented the major elements of this blueprint, including the establishment of trade repositories (TRs) for transaction reporting. 然而, 缺乏全球监管协调阻碍了为所报告的数据制定通用标准. 此外, regulators devised their own data fields, terms and core elements, which prevents the effective sharing of data across jurisdictions, increases compliance costs, 同时也阻碍了数据汇总,而数据汇总本可以为监管机构提供衍生品驱动的系统性风险的全球图景.

In announcing the agency’s proposed rule on CDE, 商品期货交易委员会主席希思·塔伯特(Heath Tarbert)表示:“统一将消除重复报告的负担,同时更全面地描绘市场风险。. Our swaps markets are integrated and global; it is time for our reporting regime to catch up.”

Mobilizing for Reform

Industry bodies like IOSCO and CPMI, 以及存, operator of the majority of TRs globally, 长期以来一直主张将全球数据统一作为实现共享衍生品数据可以向市场提供的透明度和合规性成本降低的手段. As the FSB has noted, 在全球范围内汇总场外衍生品交易信息对于有效分析系统风险也至关重要, given the high degree of cross-border trading of these instruments.

Starting in 2014, the Harmonization Group formed by IOSCO and CPMI worked on formulating standard definitions, formats and usage rules for CDE that are reported to TRs. 2019年10月, the group issued its final report, 该计划的目标是在三年内在所有司法管辖区实施辖区一级的CDE.

And now the CFTC has made the next move for CDE with its proposed rule. 该提案通过提出唯一交易标识符(UTI)要求来取代现有的唯一交换标识符(USI)系统,从而进一步遵守CPMI-IOSCO的指导.

还有令人鼓舞的迹象表明,亚洲监管机构之间正在加强合作,以统一标准. 例如, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), referencing the CPMI-IOCSO technical standards as a driver, 最近推迟了其当前UTI要求的实施,其明确目的是允许采用全球标准.

To appreciate the criticality of bringing data elements across jurisdictions into harmony, it is useful to understand the complexity of OTC derivatives trade reporting. More than 100 data elements are typically reported to TRs for each transaction, 但是,一个监管机构或司法管辖区对另一个监管机构或司法管辖区不一定要求同样的一套要素, nor are formats for dates, currencies and other variables consistent among them.


The universal use of standardized CDE will also benefit market participants, 通过减少向多个司法管辖区的多个tr报告衍生品交易的操作负担和成本. 对于存的全球贸易存储库服务(GTR)和其他在多个司法管辖区运营存储库的实体来说,CDE同质化也将是一个受欢迎的里程碑.

虽然行业仍必须解决报告数据的其他问题,以实现最佳的协调, CFTC和其他监管机构采用CPMI-IOSCO规定的报告标准将大大加强衍生品行业的全球合作, enabling TRs and regulators to fulfil the objectives set forth in the 2009 Pittsburgh Summit.

克里斯•蔡尔兹 Managing Director, Head of 存储库 & Derivatives 服务, 存 Chief Executive Officer & President, 存 Deriv/SERV LLC

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