
Many financial services firms can “only leverage a small portion of the data they possess on a modern data platform to generate insight — the rest is simply used for processing activities,卡皮尔·班萨尔说, 存 总经理,业务架构主管,数据策略 & 分析,通过FTF新闻Q&A.

Bansal代表存就该提供商的新白皮书发表讲话, 数据策略 & 金融市场管理. The new report focuses on why there’s an evolution coming for the exchange and management of financial data, 包括证券业务所必需的数据.

Q: How would you describe the way data is exchanged and managed across financial markets and firms now? 为什么这种情况必须改变?

A: As financial markets have become more electronic, data has moved center stage. 此外, 增加的监管要求, 需要准确和及时的业务洞察, 运营效率, and capital/balance sheet efficiencies are requiring market participants to think about data management more strategically and holistically.

为了支持这一点, the industry has developed a broad range of methods and formats for data exchange and standards across organizations.

由于异构格式和不同的系统, most financial institutions only leverage a small portion of the data they possess on a modern data platform to generate insight — the rest is simply used for processing activities.

与此同时, 交易后流程的几个方面仍然是手工的, which means potentially valuable data never gets analyzed or even stored in a modern technology platform.

These inefficiencies in data management cause operational risk at various points in the trade lifecycle, increasing the processing time and often requiring costly reconciliations. To harness and deliver upon the true value of data, these areas must be addressed.

Q: It seems as if Ops departments at financial services firms have historically not gotten involved in data procurement or distribution as that would have been handled by another group. 这是动态变化吗?? 如果是这样,为什么会发生变化呢?

A: We believe that effective data management is a key theme across the entire value chain in capital markets, 从价格发现到结算和其他交易后流程.

Historically, data management challenges have been viewed and addressed in silos. 这种情况正在改变. After all, data challenges in operations areas may result in financial impact and inefficiencies.

通过有效管理交易后数据, 企业可以从成本节约和较低的资本成本中获益, 以及为前台功能实现增强的数据洞察.

Q: In the past, the silos often represented the power hierarchy within a firm. In this respect, data was power because it could be withheld or controlled in quid pro quo way. Is it possible that digitalized and interconnected marketplaces can change the old silo dynamic?

A: Silos lead to redundant costs and other operational and business challenges, such as reconciliation issues and the lack of a holistic view across business lines and entities.

Silos can also result in duplicative IT architectures that increase costs and impact resiliency. 同时, data management and data quality become even more challenging due to the fragmented nature of silos, 可能导致组织面临监管风险.

为了应对这些挑战, more and more firms are exploring digital technologies and cloud capabilities. 然而, the implementation of any fintech should be part of a broader business-driven strategy and not solely an IT-driven project.

Q: The report spotlights interconnected data ecosystems that could serve as a new infrastructure layer. Could you provide some examples of these data ecosystems and their connections? What would cause groups within a firm to share data from their legacy systems?

A: 一些市场参与者正在开发虚拟, 基于云的“数据共享”能力或数据“市场”.”

Organizations are investing in technology to eliminate internal data silos and to enable the provisioning of data to their clients via APIs [application programming interfaces] and standard data formats. Legacy systems modernization, while important, should be viewed as a longer-term initiative.

在此期间, business leaders can drive value by delivering enhanced data insights to their clients. Effective data management and data privacy are critical enablers for data sharing.

问:报告认为,有效的数据管理, cloud-enabled capabilities and more automation of data management tasks will help firms speed up the development of new products. 你能举个例子说明这是怎么回事吗?

A: 云基础设施及其业务能力正在迅速成熟. 几乎所有组织都在投资云功能和api.

Effective data management ensures data is maintained at the required quality benchmark and has the appropriate level of controls and privacy. Leveraging cloud capabilities and APIs, organizations can accelerate the build-out of data products.

Proof of concepts can be done at a much faster pace and clients can integrate with less friction and development costs.

Q: Why will the greater acceptance of open source standards lead to 运营效率?

A: Market participants typically interact with each other in an “all-to-all” model.

同时, there is significant activity across domestic and international markets, 每个都有不同的监管要求. 结果往往是不协调的,非标准化的数据集.

In response, the industry and regulators are focused on achieving more consistent data standards. 例如, 在衍生品交易领域, we have seen regulators across jurisdictions focus on better aligning data standards to simplify trade reporting and deliver new insights.

这些标准, 一次介绍, could help organizations streamline their trade reporting infrastructure leading to cost efficiencies as well as delivering increased transparency.

本文原载于 “保障未来粮食供给”的新闻 2023年1月27日.

Kapil邦萨尔 - 总经理,业务架构主管,数据策略 & 存分析
Kapil邦萨尔 总经理,业务架构主管,数据策略 & 分析


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