

By 杰弗里·奎因, 存 IT架构执行董事 | 5 minute read | November 20, 2023

整个vnsr威尼斯城官网登入行业, the technology landscape continues to evolve with firms accelerating their cloud adoption efforts to capitalize on new business opportunities. 存 has been on a cloud journey for over a decade as part of its modernization effort and, 像大多数公司一样, has a hybrid platform strategy comprised of both public and private cloud technology. By refining and enhancing public cloud capabilities for the best-fit business cases, 存将为客户和行业合作伙伴创造价值.


最近, 存 worked with Amazon Web 服务 (AWS) to create a public cloud prototype to enhance multi-region resiliency. The prototype consisted of two reference applications that simulate a trade matching and settlement process. The applications were implemented using AWS features following a highly resilient design that allowed each application to rotate and recover across regions independently of one another. This fully functional prototype focused on applying 存 resilience principles to simulated mission critical applications, resulting in architectural guidance to help clients increase the resilience of their public cloud solutions.

你可以在这里阅读更多vns6060威尼斯城官网原型的内容 最近的技术论文,由存和AWS联合发布. 以下是文章中的一些要点:

与许多公司一起踏上技术现代化之旅, 利用公共云服务加快vnsr威尼斯城官网登入上市速度, 操作效率和降低风险是一个强有力的选择. 公司考虑第三方云服务, 必须维护应用程序的弹性, 在可能的情况下, exceeds what firms can achieve when hosting critical business applications in their own data centers.

在存, we firmly believe that resilience must continue as an industry-wide business strategic effort to ensure the continued safety and soundness of the financial industry. 公司的业务弹性策略-包括角色, 流程, 体系结构, and engineering – must be continually re-evaluated in the face of an ever-evolving technology landscape and evolving risks. 技术进步, modern application designs and hybrid cloud solutions all contribute to the industry ecosystem. 这就是为什么研究, 发展, and planning with industry providers and regulators is key to influence and enhance resiliency across the financial markets.

随着业务系统和流程的现代化, it’s important that resilient designs are application-centric with a goal to provide granular protection and recovery solutions. This is especially true when designing public cloud applications that no longer rely on traditional infrastructure-based capabilities found within private datacenters.


  • 演示了一种可靠的、可重复的多区域恢复解决方案 用于运行在AWS中的应用程序.
  • 在应用程序中嵌入弹性 通过开发和使用可重用的AWS组件和功能.
  • 创建可重用架构解决方案 based on software assets that demonstrate resiliency requirements with a focus on recovery time and recovery point objectives.
  • 交付一个完全自动化的解决方案 that coordinates multiple systems and applications (also called orchestration) to solve for planned events (scheduled rotation) and unplanned events (disaster recovery).
  • 证明了恢复时间目标(RTO) 小于30分钟,恢复点目标(RPO)小于5秒, 哪些符合存的区域外恢复和恢复要求. The team developed a reconciliation and replay process that was able to recover all data loss within and between applications following a simulated failure event.
    • 经验教训

      Delivering a public cloud application design that solves for unplanned and planned events requires careful consideration of the RPO and RTO.

      • 评估设计考虑因素: 公司可以考虑 热/暖应用模型 to address RTOs, with a global traffic manager that redirects transactions to the active region. 解决rpo问题, firms should design for safe stores and checkpoints that allow for data reconciliation and replay.
      • 确保应用程序生产就绪; Public cloud applications should be able to determine their operating state following any event, 计划内或计划外.
      • 从整体上看待平台: Firms must consider the entire technology stack and identify platform capabilities that can improve application resilience. 这包括具有内置恢复功能的服务, and automated recovery capabilities as well as offer cross-region replication to help mitigate data loss scenarios.
      • 提供关键的不可协商的能力:
        • 自动化 & Orchestration: Develop runbooks that automate and orchestrate all application recovery plans.
        • 测试:在生产前执行故障模式分析和弹性测试.
        • Monitoring: Build observability into the solution to deliver end-to-end visibility of health across regions

      底线 当公司考虑其组织内部弹性的演变时, 他们应该首先, 确保全面, 可重复的, automated and verifiable recovery procedures are leveraged to gain the confidence that applications are indeed resilient. 第二,公司必须实践、实践、实践. Having fully automated runbooks will enable firms to regularly execute recovery exercises and/or rotation events, 与决策者建立成熟和信心. 这意味着在现实生活中, the ability to make the go / no-go decision to push the recovery button is much smoother and can lead to a shorter recovery timeframe.

      接下来是什么 作为全球资本市场的重要基础设施和服务提供商, 存 takes a resilience-first approach to technology principles and architectural design concepts. 弹性之旅需要协作, especially as the industry landscape continues to rapidly evolve and become more complex. This prototype provides a way forward that firms can leverage in their own resiliency planning journey. The open-source code and documentation from the prototype are publicly available for firms to install. Industry technology teams are encouraged to use these artifacts as a baseline when designing their own critical application solutions. 前进, 存将继续与AWS合作, advancing the conversation around public cloud adoption and creating solutions that deliver value for the industry and protect the capital markets.

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