
Welcome Back, Women: Four Steps to an Effective Return-to-Work Policy

By 最好的钟, 存董事总经理, 人才管理和多元化主管, 公平与包容(DEI) | 4分钟阅读| 6月29日, 2023

Across all industries women returners – those wanting to return to work after an extended period away – make up a significant resource pool for firms around the world. This presents a great opportunity for talent acquisition. 然而, many organizations struggle to attract and retain female talent due to ineffective returner programs.

This issue is in part due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to a complete redefinition of workplace dynamics. Not only did employees seek greater flexibility – through hybrid working conditions or flexible hours – they also started to rethink their career paths. With the pandemic impacting many people’s mental health, wellbeing was pushed to the top of the agenda and employees wanted to know if their organizations would prioritize implementing the right structures, 支持他们的项目和网络.

When considering how to attract women returners organizations often fall short in recognizing the continued need for flexibility. Carefully thought-out programs that are tailored to the needs of women returners are few and far between. At the same time there has been an over-reliance on traditional recruitment sources such as college visits, 招聘会, posts on job boards and using conventional recruiters. This results in women returners having to compete against a traditional talent pool, 这意味着他们的潜力并不总是得到充分发挥, 放大或欣赏. 进一步, organizations can often struggle to recognize the increased demand for unique employment terms, 哪个更适合海归的生活方式.

To more effectively recruit and retain from this important talent pool it is vital that firms focus on further understanding these dynamics and the evolving needs of the workforce population. There are actionable steps that firms can take today to implement effective return-to-work programs for women.

  1. First, firms should ensure there are appropriate pathways for women returning to the workforce. One key example of this is implementing a part-time return-to-work approach. This provides opportunities for women to slowly transition back into the workforce, while also allowing firms to assess returners’ skills against company needs. 许多归国者仍有义务, 无论是儿童保育还是老年人护理, and would benefit from a flexible transitional period. 对vnsr威尼斯城官网登入公司来说尤其如此, it is increasingly important to implement these pathways in order to remain competitive in recruiting talent. 大型科技公司, 例如, 以其令人印象深刻的回归计划而闻名吗, flexible working conditions and strong mental health/well-being initiatives.
  2. 第二个, companies must ensure that they have established mentoring support networks and skill-building opportunities. 例如, apprenticeship programs in which returners are paired up with senior leaders to facilitate knowledge sharing and provide valuable advice can be a key enabler of staff retention. This eases returners back into their roles and equips them with the skills to be successful in their roles.
  3. 第三, 归国者经常面临信心问题, fear and imposter syndrome when looking to re-join the workforce. Firms can allay these fears through strong commitment to their programs. HR departments can highlight their commitment to women and engage in conversations with them in public forums. 例如, 利用母亲的关系网, 无论是线上还是线下, to encourage women to re-join the workforce and explore new opportunities could potentially help some to overcome their imposter syndrome.

    At 存 we implemented our Re-Emerge programme to provide returners with hands-on experience on key projects, 领导力发展和社交机会. The programme is designed for anyone who wants to restart their career after a break of two or more years, offering internships in technical and non-technical tracks. Through this experience participants become re-oriented to working in the corporate environment, learn about 存’s culture and understand exactly what the company does and how they’ll fit in.
  4. Finally, it is crucial that firms maintain flexibility for their returners. It is paramount that returners are not pigeonholed into certain roles. Organizations should champion motivation and potential when considering returners for roles as opposed to simply practical experience. This allows for a more inclusive environment with a richer diversity of viewpoints.

Ultimately, implementing effective return-to-work programs is vital for any organization. 回归者是至关重要的, experienced talent pool from which organizations should actively seek to recruit. Incorporating returners back into company culture leads to greater diversity and adds significant value to organizations. It is therefore imperative that organizations implement the key steps highlighted here to ensure the continued acquisition and retention of women returner talent.

本文最初发表于 人的空间 2023年6月6日.

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存董事总经理, 人才管理和多元化主管, Equity and 包容 (DEI)
