


This section provides you with the requirement details needed to set up your system to efficiently interface with the I&RS系统和各种I&它支持的RSvnsr威尼斯城官网登入. 如果需要技术支持,请随时联系 存客户服务部.


我的&RS系统运行在存数据中心的IBM大型机上. It uses the 协议 TCP/IP and SNA and the file transfer methods NDM and FTP for transmitting all input via DataTrak and all output via AutoRoute. 存 maintains multiple processing sites in the event of a computer site failure. DataTrak, AutoRoute facilitate multi-site data storage and related application programs facilitate multi-site storage of any other files maintained.


我的&RS系统提供多批访问. The system validates your status as a Multi-batch and/or Multi-cycle subscriber prior to each data transmission to include B2B processing.

Multi-batch /多循环访问

‘Multi-batch’ means that you have the option of submitting files (of one or more transactions) to NSCC more than once a day and that you are set-up to take more than one file a day from NSCC. “多周期”指的是我&RS processes more than one run per day, at preset times, for each business event in I&RS.

如果您决定通过多批处理, 您可以每天提交任意数量的文件, 任何获授权的I&RS business event transaction, you choose, in accordance with the processing cycle described earlier. Input data is accepted at any time but will be processed at the next available input cycle. Output is produced during times specified in the processing schedule.

多批/多周期参与者从I接收输出&每个计划进程在白天运行后的RS. 然而, 注意,空文件, 在给定的营业日没有产生任何交易, are not transmitted to participants unless participants request this option. The data is segregated by product but will combine multiple submitters.

Multi-batch/Multi-cycle participants are not required to process more than once a day to generate responses to I&RS. 然而, 作为一个多批次/多周期的参与者, you would be required to receive output several times during the day for reject processing. 您可以选择每天接收一次所有其他数据.


The system automatically handles receipt of batch data and its transmission to application systems. DataTrak保留在几个处理站点提交的所有数据. 如果在一天中的任何时候需要恢复, DataTrak can process the necessary input files from the other site, 哪一个可用作热备份.


The AutoRoute system to processes all data distributed from the 存 Data Center. For each service used by NSCC clients, one or more application files may be available. 来自AutoRoute的传输在可能的情况下被合并, 拒绝先发送, 然后是基础应用程序定义的接受.

AutoRoute provides a Standard Header record for each report or file. This record is generally the same size as the data records contained within the report or file. Participants have the option to request that the header record be omitted.

  • Datatrak /高速公路流程图 

注意: Backup of data is provided by multiple site-redundant systems. External auditors certify recovery procedures and periodic off-site recovery tests are held.


The 存 Server is a web service provided by 存 which routes XML-based interactive transaction messages from sender to recipient. The 存 Server acts as a message transfer hub which can handle requests and responses from all participating counterparties. The 存 Server provides a software service that connects to both sender and receiver.

除了提供服务, 存的作用是标准化通信格式, 协议, and security mechanisms allowing firms to interact with each other in real time. 服务器提供开放消息标准体系结构, 允许任意数量的公司注册此服务.


The NSCC proprietary layouts present data in fixed length records that are 200 or 300 bytes long, 取决于I&RSvnsr威尼斯城官网登入.  All input data must follow the proper sequencing and looping structure diagrammed in the record layouts.  Each product has a record layout that specifies looping structures, 字段定义, 字段长度, 记录类型, 字段验证规则, 数据字典和拒绝代码.  Please note that the use of optional fields will depend on participant requirements and arrangements between trading partners.

请访问唱片布局 点击这里.

其他验证规则由行业工作组定义. 尽管这些规则没有经过我的验证&RS系统, they represent the standard industry recommended processes and should be adhered to during development.

如欲查阅标准使用文件,请按此: 标准的使用

重要的是: 在向系统提交数据时遵循这些标准. 澳门赌场在编辑这些格式时遵循严格的编辑标准.

I&RS每年3月和9月发布两个增强功能. I&RS will notify you of changes with ample time to test and implement the changes. 要查看即将到来的增强功能和草图布局,请点击这里.

I&RS批量可用性 & 处理时间

系统可以从下午两点进入.m. 至中午12时.m. (美国东部时间),周一至周五和上午2:00.m. 到下午3点.m. 周六. I&RS接受来自运营商、经纪人/交易商、银行等的输入. 在工作日的任何时间,并在收到后进行验证. The system sends rejects back to the submitter and transmits accepted data to the receiving parties at the next scheduled output cycle.


所有的I&RSvnsr威尼斯城官网登入具有独特的加工时间表.  For a listing fo each products cycle times, please refer to these documents:


An aggregated 资金结算 Summary file (MSS) will be sent to participants with a net credit or debit amount for that day.  I&RS will transmit the MSS file to participants at approximately 2:30 p.m. ET. 星期六和节假日不接受货币结算, including bank holidays on which the New York Stock Exchange is open.I&RS Transactions due to settle on New York State bank holidays settle on the next business day.

For this year’s holdiday processing, please click the following link:

COM, 应用程序/订阅, and LNA files received after cut-off times will be processed on the next settling business day. 结算将在下一个结算日进行. If a non-settling business day is listed in the file as the settlement date on a transaction, 交易将被拒绝. 如果结算日期为空白,则I&RS system will settle the transaction on the next valid settlement date. The settlement date on the MSD output accurately reflects the actual settlement date.

The system then generates 资金结算 Details (MSD) for each pending I&RS交易,当天通过北卡罗来纳大学结算. 您将收到COM, 应用程序/订阅和LNA的单独MSD文件. The single settlement figure for all transactions for each participant is passed to the 资金结算 System (MSS).

注意: NSCC's 资金结算 System can be used across all NSCC Settling products.





